The Designer
Bradley Starkey BA (Hons) Dip Arch PGCHE PhD
After obtaining a First Class Honours Degree in Architecture from the University of Portsmouth, which included the Final Year Prize for Design Excellence, Bradley completed his architectural training with a Post-Graduate Diploma in Architecture and a Post-Graduate Certificate in the Practice and Management of Architecture from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. At the end of his training he received the Ambrose Poynter Prize identifying him as a promising student of architecture. More recently he completed a design-led PhD in Architecture at the Bartlett, UCL, on the topic of Spirituality, Space and Levitation: pioneering the utilisation of magnetics fields within architectural models to create levitating structures. These have been exhibited in the UK and published internationally in peer-reviewed journals.
As an architectural practitioner Bradley has worked on a number of projects in the UK, USA and South East Asia (with KNTA Architects). The focus of all of Bradleys work has been to place design excellence at the heart of every scheme, be they large complex projects or simple domestic spaces. He has extensive experience of working on large and small residential buildings as well as for clients in the healthcare and educational sector.
More recently Bradley’s career interests have shifted and his research and career focuses on the interior architecture of the psyche. He now also works as a BACP registered counsellor and as a 5Rhythms therapeutic movement instructor. He continues to be interested in the relationship between mental health, wellbeing, spirituality, place and architecture.
Counselling for Architects
For further details and/or if you feel that Bradley might be able to support you personally and/or support your organisation then he would be happy to hear from you. Bradley has experience in providing effective counselling support to architects, architectural students, academics and to design and construction professionals, many of whom enter counselling with high levels of stress, burn-out, career dissatisfaction and/or a sense of overwhelm. For further details please see the following links:
A selection of architectural projects appear on the Gallery Pages of this website. A selection of architectural research outputs appear below:
Edited Books
Marco Frascari, Jonathan Hale, Bradley Starkey (eds) From Models to Drawings. (London and
New York, Routledge, 2007). ISBN 10: 0-415-43113-1 (hbk), ISBN 13: 978-0-415-43113-2
Jonathan Hale and Bradley Starkey (eds), Models and Drawings: The Invisible Nature of
Architecture. 2nd AHRA International Conference, Book of Abstracts – ISBN-10: 0-85358-223-8,
University of Nottingham, 2005.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bradley Starkey, ‘Design-led Nostalgia for a Levitative Cosmology’, Journal of Architecture. In peer review process: submitted October 2012.
Bradley Starkey, ‘The Architectural Model as a Theoretical Tool, Journal of Architectural Education. In per review process: submitted May 2012.
Bradley Starkey, ‘The Spiritual in Models of Thought and Models of Architecture: A Design-based Approach to Researching the Spiritual’ in 2A – Architecture and Art Magazine, Autumn 2009, Quarterly Issue No. 12. ISSN: 1735-519-2
Bradley Starkey, ‘Models, Architecture, Levitation: Design based research into Post Secular
Architecture’ in Journal of Architecture, Vol. 11: No. 3: June 2006, p. 323-328.
Bradley Starkey, ‘Architectural models: material, intellectual, spiritual.’ In arq: Architectural
Research Quarterly, Vol. 9, (3-4), 2005, p. 265-272.
Book Chapters
Bradley Starkey, ‘The Architecture of Models and Models of Architecture’, in The Unthinkable
Doctorate. (Brussels, Netcha, International Conference Proceedings, 2007). p. 291-297.
ISBN 978-90-76101-12-5
Bradley Starkey, ‘Architectural models: material, intellectual, spiritual.’ In Marco Frascari,
Jonathan Hale, Bradley Starkey (eds) From Models and Drawings (London and New York,
Routledge, 2007). ISBN 10: 0-415-43113-1 (hbk), ISBN 13: 978-0-415-43113-2 (hbk)
Research Artifacts
Bradley Starkey, Design Investigation III: Poolhouse, 2012.
Bradley Starkey, Design Investigation II: Five Kivas, 2007.
Bradley Starkey, Design Investigation I: Model by the Sea, 2005.
Reviews Design Work in Journal Articles
A review of my contribution to the exhibition ‘The Meeting Place: A Space for Minds to Meet
by David Minton on a-n website. See:
A review of my contribution to the conference ‘Models and Drawings’ at the University of
Nottingham: Igea Troiani, ‘Report: Models and Drawings’, in arq: Architectural
Research Quarterly, Vol. 9, (3-4), 2005, p. 185-187.
A review of my contribution to the conference ‘Primitive’ at Cardiff University: Jonathan Hale,
‘Report: Primitive’, in arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol. 8, (1),
2004, p. 9-12.
PhD Thesis
Bradley Starkey, Post Secular Architecture: A Design-led Investigation into the Integration of the Spiritual in Models of Thought and Models of Architecture, 2009.
Bradley Starkey, ‘Poolhouse’ exhibited at The Meeting Place: A Space for Minds to Meet (group show) at The Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery, September 28th – November 17th 2012.
Bradley Starkey, ‘Production Artefact No. 4’ exhibited at Eidos (group show) at The Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery, July 22nd – September 1st 2010
Bradley Starkey, ‘Physical/Meta-Physical Model’ exhibited at Kalos (group show) at The Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery, April 16th – June 3rd 2010
‘Post Secular Architecture: Physical/Meta-Physical Model’ exhibited in Research Spaces:
Materialisations of Practice in Art and Architecture (group show) at The Slade School of Art,
Website Publication
Bradley Starkey, ‘Modelling the Real’, contribution to the CEBE Academic Partnership
Conference, Studio Culture 2.
Bradley Starkey, ‘Case study of Design Research’, contribution to the AHRC Practice–led
Research Review. Refer to
Bradley Starkey, ‘Scales of the Architectural Model.’ AHRA International Conference, University of Kent, November 2010.
Bradley Starkey, ‘The Spiritual in Models of Thought and Models of Architecture: A Design-based Approach to Researching the Spiritual.’ ACS Conference, Oregon, April 2009.
Bradley Starkey, Post Secular Architecture: A Spiritual Model. 2nd AHRA International Conference University of Nottingham. 2006.
Bradley Starkey, The Architecture of Models and Models of Architecture. NETCHA International Conference, St Lucas School, Brussels. 2005.
Bradley Starkey, Transrational Architecture. “Primitive” Conference, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University. 2004.